Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Best Things In the World.

1. The feeling of fresh socks when you first put them on.
2. The warmth and smell of towels right out of the drier.
3. Having a leisurely breakfast of fruit as the sunlight streams onto the table.
4. Lying on your floor, staring up at the ceiling, and just thinking.
5. Hearing a song on the radio that you haven’t heard in forever.
6. Running barefoot in dewy grass.
7. The relief you feel when you wake up and you don’t have a cold anymore.
8. Getting a kiss on the cheek when you least expect it.
9. Having an afternoon with just you, your favorite spot, and a great book.
10. Making a mess on your bedroom floor and sitting in the middle of it like it’s your secret den.
11. Belting out your favorite songs and not caring who hears.
12. Watching a movie you’ve seen a thousand times with someone who’s never seen it before.
13. Doing a somersault underwater.
14. Finishing all your projects and not knowing what to do next.
15. The smell of citrus, or things baking, or autumn.
16. Sleeping with your favorite person - not in the dirty way, but literally falling asleep in each others’ arms.
17. Having someone whose opinion you really care about say they love you and are proud of you.
18. Finally getting that drink of cold water after being thirsty for a while.
19. Laughing until your belly hurts, your face is red, and you have tears in your eyes.
20. Being with one person who you can be yourself around, no matter what.

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